Saturday 28 January 2017

Why Should You Prefer Zygomatic Dental Implants ? | Dental Implants in Tamilnadu

Why You May Need Zygomatic Dental Implants ?

An implant means to graft or insert materials like tissues or radioactive material into intact tissues or body cavities.  Zygomatic Implants are different from the conventional dental implants in which they work on the zygomatic bone or cheekbone rather than the upper jaw. This technique is used when the upper jaw bone’s quality or quantity is inadequate for the placement of regular dental implants.

During this procedure, the zygomatic implants are inserted into the alveolar cavity and maxillary sinus involving the zygomatic bone for anchorage. The visualization of the correct implant position is necessary. The preparation to access the maxillary sinus is performed at the later implant position and the Schneiderian membrane is elevated in an opposite direction. The implant is placed and is located at the inner aspect of the sinus wall, without damaging the membrane.
Due to the long drilling distance to the zygomatic bone and also to protect the critical adjacent structures, placement of zygomatic implants requires an adequate amount of surgical training and experience and perfect diagnostic planning.
The most common complication which is associated with zygomatic implants is sinusitis. This complication can be prevented with appropriate pre-surgical diagnostics and examination of the sinus as well as using the extra-sinus surgical approach and immediate loading of the implants.
Other complications observed during and after the insertion of zygoma implants are infraorbital nerve paraesthesia and perforation of the orbit.
  • Zygomatic implants is a surgical and prosthetic solution for both two-stage and immediate loading protocols.
  • Nowadays, zygomatic implants are mostly placed using an immediate loading protocol.
  • The main aspect of zygomatic implants is severely resorbed edentulous maxilla.
  • Indications for zygomatic implant insertion include: alternative for sinus augmentation, rehabilitation after tumor resection, failed sinus augmentation, failure of conventional implants and failure of previous bone grafts
  • Most importantly, the placement of zygomatic implants requires adequate training and surgical experience.

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